SME-GP’s international development work centers on building resilient ecosystem, promoting economic opportunities and strengthening small businesses through partnership approach. Whether pioneering technologies in agriculture, connecting small businesses to international buyers or training Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to adopt new high-value business technicalities, SME-GP believes that the core of sustainable development is providing people access to the tools and skills that empower them to articulate, promote and manage sustainable, locally generated solutions.
We are implementing programs to transform rural or Urban communities and institutions, plus providing technical assistance to small businesses, farming businesses, farmers associations and cooperatives. Specific supports for small businesses or SMEs generating $1 million - $10 million in sales/turnover include the following:
Fund Sourcing/Financing
Turnkey Management and Operation
Technical Assistance
Food Production & Businesses
Western Markets/Buyers Identification & Penetration
(US, UK, Germany, Canada & more)
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Registration and Approval